“Die niet bezig was met wat ik niet kon…”
Begeleidingstraject voorafgaand en tijdens BA en MA scriptie, testimonial van Daan Breithaupt.
PhD empowerment at IHE Delft
Empowering the PhD community at IHE Delft by using PhD Roundtables, testimonial by Mick van der Wegen
Collaboration VentureLab Weekend / IPIM Summer School
Collaboration VentureLab Weekend / IPIM Summer School, testimonial by Dr. Olga Belousova
Bringing yourself to the party -a strategy to rock your PhD.
This blog stimulates potential PhDs to be thoughtful about their personal and professional motivations for entering a 4-year long journey.
Academic Career Coach: Writing Weekend for Academics (Autumn/Winter 2022)
Get set for a pleasurable, inspirational, productive, and supportive writing weekend among peers to progress your PhD.
Academic Career Coach: LinkedIn, Online Visibility, and researchers’ status.
This article offers insights regarding the opportunities and tensions creating online profiles and poses a strategy for constructing them.
A new logo. A new website. A new company: Academic Career Coach is online.
A new logo. A new website. A new company: Academic Career Coach is online. This new name and website express precisely the coaching I offer.
Academic Career Coach: PhD Supervisory Groups
Join small supervisory groups of PhDs in Groningen who wish to learn from each other’s work, learn, and life processes.